



邮箱: lihui2006.cool@163.com








1. Hui Li*, Qiaoying Chang, Ruobin Bai, Xuechong LV, Tengliang Cao, Shigang Shen, Shuxuan Liang*, Guofang Pang*.Simultaneous determination and risk assessment of highly toxic pesticides in the market-sold vegetables and fruits in China: A 4-year investigational study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 112428.

2. Hui Li*, Yan Xing, Tengliang Cao, Jiangxue Dong, Shuxuan Liang. Evaluation of the fouling potential of sludge in a membrane bioreactor integrated with microbial fuel cell. Chemosphere, 2021, 128405.

3. 邢延,曹腾良,张开心,李慧*,超声预处理对单室空气阴极污泥微生物燃料电池性能的影响,节能,2020, 05:40-42.

4. Hui Li, Wei Zuo, Yu Tian*, Jun Zhang, Shijing Di, Li lipin, Su Xinying. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a novel membrane bioelectrochemical reactor with low membrane fouling tendency. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24 (6):5106-5117.

5. Hui Li, Yu Tian*Wei Zuo, Xiaoyue Pan, Jun Zhang, Lipin Li, Xinying Su. Electricity generation from food wastes and characteristics of organic matters in microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 205:104-110.

6. QiongLiu, ZheZhao, HuiLi, MingSu, Shu-xuanLiang, Occurrence and removal of organic pollutants by a combined analysis using GC-MS with spectral analysis and acute toxicity, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 207:111237.

7. Yu Tian*, Hui Li, Lipin Li, Xinying Su, Yaobin Lu, Wei Zuo, Jun Zhang. In-situ integration of microbial fuel cell with hollow-fiber membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment and membrane fouling mitigation. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 64:189-195.

8. Li Hui, Tian Yu*, Su Xinying, Wang Cuina. Investigation on SMP and EPS in membrane bioreactor combined with microbial fuel cells. China Environmental Science. 2013, 33(1): 49-55.

9. Shuxuan Liang, Zhe Zhao, Chunlin Fan, Jianzhong Xu, Hui Li, Qiao-ying Chang, Guo-fang Pang*. Fipronil residues and risk assessment of Chinese marketed fruits and vegetables: A long-term investigation over 6 years. Food Control, 2019, 106:106734.

10. Lipin Li, Jun Zhang, Yu Tian*, Li Sun, Wei Zuo, Hui Li, Anran Li, Wiesner MR. A novel approach for fouling mitigation in anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor (A(2)O-MBR) by integrating worm predation. Environmental International. 2019, 127:615-624.

11. Lipin Li, Yu Tian*, Jun Zhang, Li Sun, Wei Zuo, Hui Li, Danping Huang, Wei Zhan, Wiesner MR. Enhanced denitrifying phosphorus removal and mass balance in a worm reactor. Chemosphere. 2019, 226: 883-890.

12. Lipin Li, Jun Zhang, Yu Tian*, Wei Zhan, Qingyuan Lin, Hui Li, Wei Zuo. Optimization of nutrient removal of novel electrochemically active carriers by response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 292:1-9.

13. Li Sun, Yu Tian*, Jun Zhang, Hui Li, Congcong Tang, Jiangzheng Li. Wastewater treatment and membrane fouling with algal-activated sludge culture in a novel membrane bioreactor: Influence of inoculation ratios. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 343:455-459

14. Li LP, Tian Y*, Zhang J, Zuo W, Li H, Li AR, Huang DP, Liu J, Liu, YH, Sun ZM, Liu YS. Insight into the roles of worm reactor on wastewater treatment and sludge reduction in anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor (A(2)O-MBR): Performance and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 330:718-726.



1. 正渗透膜-光合生物电化学系统中污水碳氮磷同步去除及膜污染控制机理研究(批准号:51708167),国家自然科学基金项目(2018-2020,主持人)

2.生物电化学强化的微藻-正渗透膜系统中污水碳氮磷同步去除机理(项目批准号:E2019201293, 河北省自然科学基金项目(2019-2021,主持人)

3. 66批中国博士后科学基金面向项目(资助编号:2019M661044)(2019-2021,主持人)



1. 主编:庞国芳;副主编:徐建中,李慧,白若镔,申世刚,方晓明,石志红.中国市售水果蔬菜农药残留报告(2012-2015)(华东卷一),科学出版社,2018.

2. 主编:庞国芳;副主编:徐建中,李慧,梁淑轩,范春林,石志红,孙悦红.中国市售水果蔬菜农药残留报告(2012-2015)(西南卷),科学出版社,2018.

3. 主编:庞国芳,徐建中;副主编:李慧,范春林,梁淑轩,陈辉,常巧英.中国市售水果蔬菜农药残留报告(2015-2019)(西南卷),科学出版社,2019.

4. 主编:庞国芳,徐建中;副主编:李慧,常巧英,梁淑轩,杨方,申世刚,李捷.中国市售茶叶农药残留报告(2019)(华南卷),科学出版社,2019.

5. 主编:庞国芳,徐建中;副主编:曹彦忠,李慧,白若镔,梁淑轩,申世刚,石志红.中国市售茶叶农药残留报告(2019)(东北卷-电商平台卷),科学出版社,2019.



1. 李慧,秦哲,梁淑轩,赵春霞,一体式厌氧氨氧化膜生物电化学系统,ZL201821841191.4

2. 李慧,曹腾良,李永琦,冀剑,梁淑轩,秦哲,一种碳氮磷同步高效去除的污水处理系统,ZL201921141398.5

3. 李慧,曹腾良,冀剑,李永琦,梁淑轩,秦哲,一种膜生物反应器及污水处理系统ZL201921213493.1

4. 李慧,董江雪,邢延,曹腾良,梁淑轩,一种生物电化学转盘污水处理系统,ZL201921820795.5

5. 李慧,董江雪,梁淑轩,邢延,曹腾良,一种多联式自动化污泥比阻测定装置,ZL201921820803.6

6. 李慧,董江雪,邢延,曹腾良,梁淑轩,秦哲,一种便携式马里奥特容器演示装置,ZL201921804091.9

7. 李慧,庞国芳,徐建中,张刚,梁淑轩,申世刚,范春林,白若镔,李笑颜,食品中农药残留预警风险评估系统(软件著作权)2018SR577016

8. 田禹,李慧,苏欣颖,王翠娜,一种利用微生物产电减缓膜污染的MBR一体化装置,ZL201210122487.1

9. 田禹,迪世靖,李慧,一种膜生物反应器/微生物燃料电池的污水处理装置,ZL201310025017.8

10. 田禹,李俐频,李慧,苏欣颖,一种高质出水与低膜污染的膜生物电化学反应器装置,ZL201310157063.3



河北大学第八届青年教师课堂教学大赛理科组 三等奖

